By Myself Again?

For my music video, I decided to work by myself. The reasons why I wanted to work by myself was because of many reasons. One reason that I wanted to work by myself was because I worked by myself for my commercial and I was able to get everything done in a good amount of time. Also, I can still see how it feels to do a longer project by myself just incase I want to do my final project by myself, so I can already have experience working on everything by myself. Another reason why I want to work by myself is because I realized that when I work alone, I thrive and do really good. The third reason why I want to work alone is because I really want my creativity to come out in this project so I can actually see every single one of my ideas come to life. Plus, I was told that when I work with people, I can get a little bit distracted. I was also told that I work really well alone, so I wanted to keep those conversations in mind while working on this project. I like to work with people, but usually when I work with people, I kind of get frustrated when certain things don't go according to plan or my partners don't do what they need to do. So to avoid that frustration from happening, I'd much rather work alone, no offense to anybody. To be honest, I know that it's good to work in groups just so you don't have to do so much work. But, I'd like to challenge myself once again just because this project is longer than the first project and since it’s longer, I can really see how things will be done when it comes to the final project. And with me knowing that other people are working in groups and I'm working alone, makes me even more motivated to rise to the challenge. I also realized that I need to see who I am as a creator/director/filmmaker to even work with people because if I have the wrong attitude, no one is going to want to work with me. Another reason why I want to work by myself is because no one can boss me around. As weird and/or mean as that sounds, that's actually really good for me. I say that because, when I get bossed around sometimes I get aggravated so I can be my own boss in this film production. One of the last reasons why I want to work alone is because I can feel the satisfaction of knowing I did this whole project by myself. I thought of the ideas, planned, researched, casted, filmed, and edited. Plus, I am the only one that can take credit for my personal work. I honestly can't wait until we get to the nitty gritty for this music video and I'm really excited because I already have a ton of ideas in my head.


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