Production Blog: Filming

The filming process for this music video was a long one. I decided that I wanted to make changes to the plot of the music video right before I started filming and everything. While filming, I made an accident and followed my storyboard. Then I realized later on that my storyboard was not what I was supposed to be following. I was supposed to follow the changes that I had written down in my "Notes" app on my phone. So once I realized that, I went ahead and made more storage on my filming device. My filming device was just my cell phone. But, I cleared storage by just simply permanently deleting the takes that I didn't need since the plot changed. So while filming, I came across some troubles. Since I was the main character, some times I couldn't make shots the way I wanted to. But, of I had a backup plan. I had to finesse it in one way or another so I had to go ahead and use my backup plan. My backup cameraman was my little sister. Thankfully she was able to help me. I had to explain to her how to do some shots so the music video will have a variety of shots in it. I explained and taught her all of the close-up shots and long shots. I even taught her how to do a bird's eye view shot as well. Filming took me about 4 hours because of the driving distances, the time taken to teach my sister, and just the filming in general as well. We had to film some scenes multiple times as well just so the music video will have the outcome that I wanted it to have. In the end, the filming process was fun because I got to include my little sister on this production.


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