Intro Blog

 My name is Autumn Alfred and I am a junior in high school. A lot of people usually don't know this about me, but I am a Christian and I am very serious when it comes to my Christianity. I love to spread the Gospel and just tell people all about God and His Son Jesus because They both are just so amazing. I work part-time at Pollo Tropical. I also am apart of band. I am in auxiliary, I specifically am a dancer. In my free time I like to read and write. I like to specifically read my Bible and write notes on what I read or about whatever pops up on my spirit. When I am not writing notes, I like to write random stories. I really love writing and just expressing myself in general. Writing is kind of like an outlet for me. I also really like to do YouTube: record videos, edit, and post them. I am trying to grow my audience on YouTube at the moment. I am currently taking 3 AICE classes: English Language A Level, Media Studies, and US History. There are many reasons behind why I am taking all of my AICE classes and one of the main ones is because of college and to better my future. But, I have many reasons as to why I am specifically taking this class, AICE Media. I want to learn how to edit and record more, like learn new techniques so I can get better at making videos for YouTube. I also want to learn how to make my stories that I write, come to life through the film making process. I just want to honestly learn more and new things to enhance my techniques and skills when it comes to editing, filming, and writing. I honestly feel like this class will be really good for me and I am so grateful I am able to take this class just so I can accomplish a lot of my future goals.


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