Storyboard Blog

 First Scene: In the beginning of the commercial, the main character is going to dance all boring and lame because she won’t feel like she has on the proper attire to perform for people. She is going to walk down stairs and just be bored because she doesn’t have what she wants/needs to feel confident in herself, dance wise.

Second Scene: In this next scene, the main character will be sad because she realized that she wants to look like college dance teams when performing. She will walk to the media center stairs and sit down with her head laying in her hands and sighing. That will occur after sitting down.

Third Scene: In the 3rd scene, the side character will make her appearance and speak to the main character. The side character will help the main character realize their worth through a mini pep talk.

Fourth Scene: In the 4th scene, the side character is going to transform the main character into the person that she wants to be and help her realize that it’s also okay to be herself.

Fifth Scene: In this next scene, the main character will do the performance that she’s always wanted to do, all thanks to her fairy flag-mother. (Instead of fairy God-mother I changed it to fairy flag-mother because the side character will be using a flag as her wand. It’s kind of like a spin-off Cinderella.)

Sixth Scene: In this last scene, there will be an end card and a small scene at the end of the commercial with the side character saying “see girl, you did it, you just had to level up with Reebok” with the Reebok logo added into the scene.

*Each scene will last about 5 seconds and will have a little bit of dialogue throughout the commercial and also include  music playing in the background.


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