Genre Research Blog: Comedy
The third genre that my group will be researching is comedy. Lighting used in comedic movies usually are three-point, high key, and low key lighting. The lighting is used to set the mood of the scenes and match the settings as well. For example, if someone is at a party, they will most likely use low key lighting to portray the fact that the characters are at a party. Camera angles most used in comedy films are high angles, low angles, and dutch angles. The low angle is used to make the person appear more dominate over someone or something. High angles are used to do the exact opposite of what low angle does for the actor. High angle makes the actor appear more vulnerable or make it known that there is something or someone higher or above the actor. Dutch angles are used to add an dramatic effect to either a confusing or awkward situation. Camera movements used in comedy films are pan, tilt, handheld, zooms and steadicams. These movements are all used to further emphasize the mood...
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