Genre Research Blog: Drama

The first genre that my group will be researching is drama. 

Lighting used in drama are usually three-point or high key lighting. The lighting is used to set the mood of the scene and match the setting.

Camera angles used in drama films are low angle, high angle, and canted angle. Low angle is used to make the person appear more confident. High angle is used to do the exact opposite of what low angle does for the actor. High angle makes the actor appear more vulnerable and less confident. Canted angle is used to add an dramatic effect on the screen. It is known to further express chaos or the madness appearing in the scene.

Camera movements used in drama films are tilt, pan, and reverse zoom. These movements are all used to further emphasize the mood in the scene

Makeup, costumes and props varies because of the different types of drama films. Drama films can include other genres and still be known as a drama because of its many conflicts and plots.

Sounds in dramas can vary. There can be suspicious music playing to add to the dramatics of the scene. There can also be a lot of ambient sound which is background chatter. 

Some examples of the drama genre are 'West Side Story', "All My Life" and 'Madea's Big Happy Family'.


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