Genre Decision

The genre that my group and I decided on for our final task after researching drama, thriller, and comedy, is drama. We decided on this because we 
knew it would fit perfectly with our short film just by looking at our pitch. If we had chosen comedy, then it would have been harder for us to incorporate comedic elements into our short film. The same goes for thriller. When me and my group visualize myself doing the genres comedy or thriller, we realize that we wouldn't have a setting or actors to fulfill the elements because of how drama filled our pitch is. We also wouldn't have been able to fulfill the conventions of the film. We would have loved to film a comedic film because that is one of the best genres and my group’s favorite genre when it comes to film. It would have been fun. We also feel like drama will be fun to film in all honesty. We have perfect settings for the film. We can also can include comedy as a sub-genre which makes it a "win win" situation for us. Since we want to make sure that the audience is very attentive with our final task, including many conflicts in our drama film will leave a great cliff hanger. We aren’t too sure about everything yet, but our pitch gives us a great visualization of what we want to include in this short film. If we had chosen thriller, our film would have been dull and boring for that genre because thriller is more for like jump scares or intriguing scenes that we won’t have that much of. I know that me and my group have watch so many comedic films and it would most likely be easy to film because we’re so used to it but, one thing we do know is that we want our film to be different. We want to be creative. We want to create something new and be more aware of the world today. It probably won't be as new because there was already a lot of drama movies that have released that may be in the same area as mine. But, I know that me and my group are very excited to film this short drama film because we already have a lot of scenes planned out, I know that with the dedication of me and my group mates, this final task will be a success.


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