Convention Research: Dreamgirls

After watching the film 'Dreamgirls', I noticed they used the drama elements sound, thought, plot, and character. Deena, Effie, and Lorrell are a music trio originally naming themselves the dreamettes. They met a manger named Curtis Taylor Jr. who promised to take them to the top of the game. The manger then begins to take too much control from the girls and then began to cause them to break apart one by one. This is the plot of the film. This film uses a lot of music. Some songs that they include are 'Listen' which was sung by Deena. Deena sung this song to express how she was feeling in the midst of the whole situation. She felt as if the manger wasn't listening to her from within. Another song that was sung was 'And I am Telling I'm Not Going' which was sung by Effie. Effie sang this song to express the hurt that she was feeling inside. The music of the film helped express some parts of the film as well. The character of the film would be Curtis. Although he had done nothing but bad things for the group. He helped reveal the purpose of the movie. If the director had not placed him into the drama and situations that they were in, then the girls would have never made it into the fame world and split apart. The girls splitting apart was the main conflict of the film. Lastly, the film used the element of thought. It left off with a moral of the whole story. The most common interpreted moral of the story for this film is to never put your complete trust into someone. This film used the element of sound and music very well. The music played a bigger part in the film then just songs being sang. It was more of an outlet that the girls used to express themselves and their feelings.


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