Convention Research: Everything, Everything

After watching the movie, 'Everything, Everything' I noticed they used the drama elements. thoughts, characters, and themes. Maddy, a young smart girl has never left her home due to her overprotective mother because of an "illness". Olly lives next door from Maddy and will do anything to get her to experience life. The life that she never was able to experience. This is the plot of the film. The film uses the element of character whom is Olly. If it weren't for Olly, Maddy would've never left her life. She would have never been able to experience the real joy of life. She would have also never figured out that her mom has been lying to her for her whole entire life. The theme of the whole plot was to never be too afraid too do something. Maddy went against her fears and her moms rules and she went outside her house with Olly. Lastly the film used the element of thought. So many things could have been interpreted after watching this movie. The main thing that I personally got from this film was to never put your trust into just anyone. I got this because her mom deprived her from living a normal life. Also, her mom lied to her and made her believe that she was ill when it reality, she wasn’t. I liked the plot element. I liked this element the most because the plot moved me. I feel as if the creator of this plot succeed and achieved the emotion they wanted to get from this film. There wasn’t really an elements that I disliked because the creator just put everything together so nicely and the entire movie was just a success overall.


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