Film Review

For me and my group’s film we wanted a outside perspective on how it looked before submitting our final piece. We did not want any friends or family reviewing it because we didn't want any bias to be portrayed in the review. Instead we wanted one of instructors to evaluate our piece because they are very experienced in that field. Utilizing our teachers is very convenient because they are very accessible to us. Since we see them everyday for classes finding the time to talk to them would not be an issue. Deciding which teacher would review our film was the difficult part. All of our relationships with our teachers are different. We really wanted to make sure that no bias was present. Since we all have Ms. Lotocky as our band teacher we all agreed to ask her. Gratefully, she agreed to review our media. First, she complimented the acting. She said that emotions were portrayed really well. She also really enjoyed the overall theme we incorporated in our film. Although we did a lot of great things, she did have a couple of critiques. In the film when the main character was fixing the car, she couldn’t really tell what the character was doing. It left our teacher confused on what was really going on. In order to fix this issue we decided to reshoot the scene. Overall she stated that she really enjoyed the film. I am so happy we received another point of view on our film and I am looking forward to making those edits.


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